All measurements must be submitted in inches. Never round up or down to the nearest foot. Rounding up to the next inch is always better unless you are putting it inside something. You can measure the old cover or the spa. If your old cover was too small or too big now is the time to fix that irritation. Remember its easy to do, we have instructed 6 year old kids to measure, but I have also received wrong information from “know it all” contractors that were not paying attention. You can always call, we will be more than happy to walk you through it.
Order specifics:
Are the skirts slit or connected/continuous? Where are the tie downs located? How is the cover slit? These questions answered on the “Specifics Page”
Covers in gazebos:
Covers in gazebos should be measured big enough to cover spa and small enough to fit inside gazebos, and don’t forget to tell us how far it is from the top lip of the spa to the lowest point of the gazebo, some brands of spas are built tall with short gazebos and the covers don’t have enough room to clear the roof when opening. Please call for more specific instructions if the cover comes with in two inches of the roof when folding open.
Above ground/portable spas:
Above ground spas should be measured from the very outside edge of the acrylic/fiberglass. An inch or two bigger is always better unless you have to fit it into something.
What’s bigger?
If you have trouble distinguishing between an 8″ radius and a 7″ radius, the 7″ radius will make the cover bigger and the way to go. And the same for cut corners. If you have a 15 1/2′ cut corner you should order a 15″ cut corner. Click on each image below to expand image and details.
With carpenter’s sqaure |
Without square |
Cut long |
Cut short (standard) |
This is shaped just like a stop sign, all eight sides are equal.
Radius corner and round covers:
The difficulty with radius corner and round covers is the flap/skirts are forced to point down, they do not lay out flat like they do with squares and octagons. If your spa’s ‘top lip’ is 2″ tall you should order 2″ flap/skirts. Anything longer than your lip height will hold the cover up. In ground brick or concrete spas should not get a flap/skirt so you should order no flaps in that case.